7:30am Alarm clock goes off. Jet lag is horrible. Hit snooze.
7:33 Decide to just get up. Floor is freezing! Slippers are soaking wet, probably from the monsoon last night that I thought for sure would break the glass doors in my room.
7:58 Attempt to make espresso using machine in kitchen.
7:59 Cause red light on espresso machine to blink. Red=bad. Give up on espresso.
8:03 Try to turn on hall light. Press doorbell instead. Pray roommates don't notice.
8:15 Board bus to school.
8:16 Make mental note to never stand in front of bus again. Bus driver is lunatic.
8:21 Realize I forgot to buy my ticket. Try to give money to bus driver. Hand him 2 euros. He looks at me and says something I don't understand. I tell him I don't speak italiano. He says five to me. I assume this means a ticket is five euros. Look through wallet and realize left euros at home.
8:22 Jump off bus and avoid eye contact with bus driver.
8:23 Decide to change previous mental note. Front of bus= can find my way home.
8:35 Enter apartment.
8:50 Back on bus, different driver. He tells me it is 1.50 euros. Want to scream. Realize I won't make it to class on time.
9:10 Can't find school. It's raining. I'm wet, tired, and cranky.
9:17 Pace street hoping to magically see school's sign.
9:20 Find sketchy street vendor home base. Turn around trying to avoid being noticed.
9:26 Call school for third time. Still don't understand what secretary is saying.
9:27 Tell myself not to cry. Call Dany for help.
9:28 Cry anyway.
9:50 Find school. Can't get door open. Completely soaked.
9:53 Secretary tells me to go use bathroom hand dryer to try to dry off before taking placement test.
10:00 Write my name on placement test. Stare at placement test.
10:01 Know nothing. Give test back to secretary.
1:00pm Decide I am happy about taking Italian lessons despite minor disaster this morning. Head back to bus station.
1:10 Can't figure out where to buy ticket. Call Dany for instructions. Find ticket machine.
1:16 Realize ticket machine is actually taxi line. Find real ticket machine.
1:18 Watch bus drive away without me.
1:30 Board bus.
1:40 End up back at bus station.
1:45 Try to find real bus. Frustrated. Decide to walk.
1:46 Realize map does not measure distance. Too frustrated with buses so decide to walk anyway.
2:05 Walk in to ghetto. Turn around. Starts raining again.
2:30 Completely lost. Want to cry. Instead keep walking.
3:07 Find two Americans just as lost as me.
3:45 Recognize apartment. Shout for joy.
3:52 Collapse from exhaustion.
I think tomorrow has to be better!
Sorry you had a rough first day sweetie, it'll get better.
On the upside, you can count this as the worst day of your trip, and now it's over, sooo every other day there is gonna be great!
Hey, your dad said that was the same as every port he visited in the Navy, and that by the time he found his way around it was time to leave and he never got to go there again, except for Naples.
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