Tuesday, November 9, 2010

>2 weeks In

I can't believe how quickly time goes by. I've got less than 2 weeks before it's back to America :( I looked in to extending my stay, but I can't think of a good excuse and it's probably best if I don't spend extra money for nothing.

I arrive at school today without any problem. I do see my old teacher and wave hello. She comes over and asks why I didn't come to my tutoring session yesterday. Guess I misunderstood that I will be tutored every day this week. (For free! How's that for good luck?) Couldn't decide if I should tell her I misunderstood and risk her thinking she sucks, or admit it and prove I do need the extra help. I made sure I came back today.

Have a new teacher (the fast class teacher is randomly in London for the next 2 days.) Dread the introduction. I'm not sure why, but I am incapable of answering a question without making a question. I think I am trying to mimic the sing-song of Italian, but the closest I can get is just raising my voice at the end of the sentence. What is my name? Amanda? How old am I? 22? Do I like Pisa? Yes? By the last question I am determined to answer without asking. She asks me where I'm from and I say Flor-duh. She stares at me and the girl next to me explains I'm from Flor-i-da. My nervousness is bringing out my southern accent.

Unfortunately the teacher doesn't see this as a cue to discontinue questioning and asks me why I'm here. I tell her I don't know (because at this point, I don't.) She asks again, but slower, why am I here? I tell her I understand the question, I just don't know my reason. She asks if I work in America, and I answer I worked in drug rehab. She gives me another weird look and goes to the next person. I'm sure she thinks I confused the words "work in" with the words "went to".

P.S. Sorry for the reuse of an old picture, forgot to take one today!


maddie said...

I'm sure she thinks I confused the words "work in" with the words "went to".

lol. Some days, what's the difference? =)

LaurenDixon said...

youre so poetic amanda! im referring to the "i dont know answer" :) i miss you. WAKE UP AND SKYPE NOW